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When Cosmetic Surgery Goes Wrong

By: Sarah Clark (ILEX) - Updated: 26 Mar 2021 | comments*Discuss
Cosmetic Surgery Complaint Personal

Cosmetic surgery is something that’s becoming more and more popular, and with so many clinics now offering a huge variety of procedures, it can be hard to know what to do, and who to choose to do the work you want.

Finding a Reputable Cosmetic Surgery Clinic

The first thing to check before you entrust your cosmetic surgery to anyone is that they are reputable. Of course there are never any guarantees but you could check that they are registered with the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) before going ahead with anything. The BAAPS was established for the advancement of education and safety in cosmetic surgery, and maintains lists of members that are also are on the Specialist Register of Plastic Surgeons that’s maintained by the General Medical Council.

You can check to find out whether any cosmetic surgeon is on the Specialist Register by telephoning the General Medical Council Registry on 0845 357 3456.

Things to Remember about Cosmetic Surgery

Even with the best and most qualified cosmetic surgeon, things can sometimes go wrong, and even if the surgeon has done their job exactly as they should have, you might still be unhappy with the results.

When you are thinking about and researching cosmetic surgery, you need to make sure that you have realistic expectations about what the procedure can and will do for you. Talk this through with the surgeon before agreeing to any treatment – they will be experienced enough to advise you if they think you might be expecting too much from your chosen procedure – or that it might not be suitable for you.

If You have to Complain

If you have had cosmetic surgery and you are not happy with the results, or you think that the procedure was not carried out properly, you should take the matter up with your surgeon, through the hospital, or clinic, that referred you.

The surgeon, or hospital staff, may be able to deal effectively with your concerns, particularly if the healing process is not complete, or your body still needs time to settle down. If, after the healing process is complete, you are still not happy with the results of your surgery, the hospital, or clinic, may offer you further surgery to put things right.

Complaining to the Healthcare Commission

The first thing you need to do if you feel that you have a genuine complaint about your cosmetic surgery procedure is to complain to the clinic or practice where the procedure was carried out. Most reputable clinics have a complaints procedure – ask what this is and make sure that you’re fair, and realistic.

Give the clinic or surgeon a reasonable amount of time to respond to your complaint. If you don’t think they have dealt with your concerns properly, it’s then up to you if you want take the matter further.

All hospitals and clinics that offer cosmetic surgery have to be registered with the Healthcare Commission, who are able to take action against a clinic, hospital or surgeon if it believes that certain prescribed standards have not been met.

If you have a complaint against a cosmetic surgeon that you would like investigated, you can write to:The Healthcare Commission
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Telephone: 0845 6013012

Negligence and Personal Injury

If your complaint involves negligence on the part of the surgeon that’s led to personal injury, you might also like to contact one of the many personal injury compensation claim solicitors who often offer a ‘no win no fee’ service to take up your case. Be sure that you use a reputable and well established firm though.

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Some 18 months ago, I had a neck and lower fave spring lift, undertaken by Amur Khan of the Harley Street skin clinic. I had originally attended an assessment for a facelift. However, was persuaded that a Spring Lift was my best option. Following the procedure, I was extremely unhappy and asked for a refund. Dr Akan offered to repeat the procedure free of charge. Again,I was unhappy and felt that I looked worse that before I undertook the procedure. Dr Khan offered to correct the procedure. I am devasted with the result and decided to cut my losses and have asked for a refund. I have given the clinic 3 months to resolve the issue, and they have decided to take no responsibility. I saved for years to have a face lift when I retired and now feel thoroughly let down
Chezza - 26-Mar-21 @ 1:44 PM
I had a face/neck lift with Amir Nakhadjevani 11 months ago and the neck and lower face have been left hanging with thick fatty Hampster jowls I was just wanting lower face lift but he told me the concept face and neck lift look better done together, however he did not lift my neck and when I complained he said he no longer does cut in chin and liposuction would be too expensive and he would have to throw the machine away and he offered to pull the flesh on my jaw bone and stitch behind my ears I declined as I no longer trust him. the sore scars behind my ears are now looking bigger as are scars running down front on face near ears due to weight of fatty tissue on jaw bone. I massage twice a day and contacted two top surgeons and both can see what has gone wrong so now I am going to Complaints in his clinic. Is this the correct procedure Patricia .
Yogagirl - 22-Nov-20 @ 10:09 AM
I had a face/neck lift with Amir Nakhadjevani 11 months ago and the neck and lower face have been left hanging with thick fatty Hampstead jowls I was just wanting lower face lift but he told me the concept face and neck lift look better done together, however he did not lift my neck and when I complained he said he no longer does cut in chin and liposuction would be too expensive and he would have to throw the machine away and he offered to pull the flesh on my jaw bone and stitch behind my ears I declined as I no longer trust him. the sore scars behind my ears are now looking bigger as are scars running down front on face near ears due to weight of fatty tissue on jaw bone. I massage twice a day and contacted two top surgeons and both can see what has gone wrong so now I am going to Complaints in his clinic. Is this the correct procedure.
Yogagirl - 22-Nov-20 @ 10:05 AM
I had rhinoplasty with Mr Kenneth Kok. He unfulfilled expectations then attempted to brush it under the carpet. I told him the problems and he was in denial telling me to get used to it (the new nose). Luckily I am based just outside London and have had access to 4 opinions from experienced professionals (ENT and plastic surgeons with vast revision experience). ALL confirmed the issues Mr Kenneth Kok was in denial about. My advice to anyone is to make sure you see their work and make sure they specialise in the specific procedure before selecting your surgeon. My surgeon left me with a dented nose that needs a graft and offered a pathetic solution. My self esteem was on the floor following his surgery and now have an extremely costly revision procedure to pay for elsewhere.
Jo C - 9-Sep-20 @ 1:04 PM
the hospital group . i had a nose job by marcos sfozza .he botched it . any one else had the same done ? i'm pursuing into it further .
botched nose - 10-Aug-20 @ 10:00 PM
this is for sj . comment . i had a nose job back in 2008, but i wasnt told by mysurgeon that he cut the bone to make shape ? its botched and sinks in ? i was told by the surgeon he was sorry. and that i could get a revision . but never happened? i have been to no win no fee for advice . and was given to pursue it and even take it to an odbudsman .
botched nose - 10-Aug-20 @ 9:48 PM
I had a rhinoplasty with a very well known company in 2018 and was unhappy with the results. In October 2019 it was agreed I was to have revision surgery. Since then the company has gone bust and have been bought out. I have been advised I need to come back as a new patient and pay again for a new surgery as they are not doing any revisions. Is there a way I can claim back my money for my original surgery or how do I handle this situation as I cannot afford to pay for another surgery and was promised something which they have decided to not follow through with
Sj - 23-Jul-20 @ 9:42 PM
Hi..had a mini tummy tuck 2 weeks ago. Absolutely devastated. Scar is really high and up to the top if my hip bones... I look horrendous! Give me back my loose skin. Thus is not where the surgeon marked pre op... this as really knocked my confidence. Is there anything I can do? Obviously the surgeon cannot move the scar
Kim - 21-Sep-19 @ 9:27 AM
Had s tummy tuck, by a London surgeon, it’s totally botched. I have a fapba, fat above pubic bone area. My belly button is a scar, the whole thing is wrong. The surgeon no longer works in the London clinic, so if I want a new consultation they will do it for free, but I will have to pay for the surgery. It’s not right and I want to know what I can do about it
Angel - 30-Aug-19 @ 4:34 PM
I had mastopexy and breast augmentation last year resulting in nipple necrosis and infection. 1 month post op I had my nipple debrided and implant removed. Was told it would be fixed 6 months later. Over a year on and my surgeon has left the company, surgery has been cancelled numerous times and post op care has been a sham. Have requested refund and compensation. Is this likely to be granted?
MR - 13-Aug-19 @ 10:10 PM
I’ve Just Came Out Of A Domesic Abusive Marriage, After 32, Years’ I’m 52’ I Looked Awful I Have No Confidence, My Three Children Decided To Pay For Me To Have Treatments, My Daughter Made An Appointment At A Beauty Salon, Omg The State Of My Face, My Daughter Told The So Called Owner, What I Needed Doing, I Didn’t Have A Clue , After The Procedure Straight Away My Face Was Bleeding & Swelling, The Next Day I Was Unrecognisable, I Rang This Beauty Salon And Made An Appointment,I Couldn’t Go Out Anywhere For Three Weeks Due To The Bruising And Swelling , I went Back To The Salon I Asked For A Refund, She Laughed And Said, No Way ‘ I Asked If She Could Make My Face Matching, She Laughed And Said My Dear Your Not 18!! Which I Found Insulted And Embarrassing , She Put More Fillers In My Face , I Look Like A Freak, When We In The Car Just About To Leave, I Looked Back Into The Salon, She Was Laughing With Three Other Employees, I Don’t Know What To Do
evie - 24-Jul-19 @ 5:54 AM
had tummy tuck surgery in december 2017 not happy with the results, my scar is very high no underwear covers it very raised and red I was told to wait 12-18 months for the full results. Still have overhang and dog ears is it too late to still complain
Mill - 12-Jun-19 @ 8:50 AM
I had a neck lift 7 months ago. At first it looked amazing. Now, it looks exactly like it did before. I found a before photo (2 days before surgery) and to be honest, it looks worse. Not sure what I can do or where to go. I have contacted the clinic but to no avail. He won’t answer my emails.
disgruntled - 26-Mar-19 @ 1:49 PM
Hi, I had augmentation with mastopexy a year ago. 2 weeks after they looked great. 4 weeks later after the swelling had subsided, they have dropped back down to where they were initially, although a slight change in nipple position. I am left with ugly scars, no feeling in one breast and they look the same as before I had the surgery. I have complained to the cosmetic surgery company who have offered further surgery - which I do not want as I have lost trust and the surgeon himself said he advises against revisional surgery as the same thing would happen. I feel helpless and have gone through all of this for nothing. Where should I take my complaint now?
Jenny - 9-Feb-19 @ 11:38 PM
I had breat Enlargements done at the Harley medical group Newcastle in 2009. From the off i had contact problems and serveral operations by different surgeons to correct this Eight yrs after the final operation i am now left in constant discomfort The left breat is smaller than the right Due to scar tissue being removed It is sagging with the nibble is alot lower than the right breast I seen a solicitor Paid for medical records and a private report to be done by another surgeon Proved negligence Unfortunalty the Surgeon had gone back to Italy and all is assets were in his patners name I have emailed the Harley medicals groups manager of the Newcastle branch saying about the constant discomfort i am in on several occasions But without reply I know it has been a long time since my breast enlargment But the left one has never been right I have never been happy with the out come I am now at my wits end as i do not know where to turn now.
Glyn - 24-Jul-18 @ 10:23 AM
A warning to all women "3fivetwo Group kingsbridge"Belfast. I had a Cosmetic Bilateral Breast Reduction on 6 July 2016 by Consultant Mr. Abid Rashid. Since this procedure was carried out I sought a second opinion from a leading Consultant Plastic Surgeon. After an examination, she told me I had been mutilated and advised me to write to you, so that no other women would be left mutilated like I have been and it is The Year Of The Woman and I must not be silent and speak out. When I went back to Mr. Rashid for my review, I explained I was not happy with the result and he looked at the nurse and stated “We do not have the facilities to correct my breasts. Since that time I have been depressed and embarrassed with my body. After the surgery I was put in the ward and basically left with virtually no care. One of the drains from my breast had ceased to function with no vacuum And no one checked it. When my husband visited that evening it was he who noticed that one of the drains was half full and the other one was empty, and one of my breasts had swollen up, the one that the drain that no one had checked. My husband called a nurse regarding my drain and my swollen breast. Mr Rashid called around midnight. I then had to go through emergency surgery and the pain and agony with the infection. I am now left with mutilated breasts at a cost of £9040.00. I was told by another Consultant that this was Harley St. London prices. I have wrote to 3fivetwo Group who deny any responsibility and claim Dr. Rashid was Independent, even though he was recommended by the 3fivetwo Group. I wrote to Mr. Rashid who blames 3fivetwo Group. I am getting nowhere. I will try and upload images and you will see how mutilated they have left me, mentally and physically. Anne x
anne1955 - 18-Apr-18 @ 8:51 PM
JAZZ - Your Question:
I had breastarted reconstruction following double mastectomy, which I paid for privately.It initially looked fine butility later looked a mess , I lost faith in the surgeon and it was so awful that the NHS put the surgery right. I used a very well known surgeon at the cost of £12,200 and having NHS correct surgery, I believe speaks for itself. I attempted to sue surgeon for medical negligence but it was concluded that it was carried out to an acceptable standard.There were no before and after photographs but luckily I did actually take quite a lot.My question is can I legally go to the media with these photographs or potentially post them on line.?Regards

Our Response:
We don't know, this is something that you should ask a legal professional.
ConsumerRightsExpert - 7-Sep-17 @ 10:38 AM
I had breastarted reconstruction following double mastectomy,which I paid for privately. It initially looked fine butility later looked a mess , I lost faith in the surgeon and it was so awful that the NHS put the surgery right.I used a very well known surgeon at the cost of £12,200 and having NHS correct surgery, I believe speaks for itself. I attempted to sue surgeon for medical negligence but it was concluded that it was carried out to an acceptable standard. There were no before and after photographs but luckily I did actually take quite a lot. My question is can i legally go to the media with these photographs or potentially post them on line...? Regards
JAZZ - 5-Sep-17 @ 11:47 AM
Hey, so 4 years ago today I went in for upper blephorolasty (upper eyelids removal).I’m really not happy as Ive been left with a lump on my grows feet on one eye and basically the skin I had removed is back. Last year I went back the surgeon to complain. I was told well sorry but you’ve no elasticity in your skin and the only way to fix it is a full face lift (I am 38?). However you’ll have to pay for it and we can only offer 10% discount on it. Is this true? I know I’ve left it a year after complaining but I just thought that was how it was, but a friend said if I’m not happy then I should find out if there’s more I can do. Thank you
Alex - 1-Sep-17 @ 2:22 PM
Kirstyr - Your Question:
Had a gastricballon which was done monday and is having to be removed tomorrow.friday as the consultant seems to have fulled it to full for my stomach and im in constant pain and having to be keep on morphine to easy the pain. Where do I stand with getting a refund?

Our Response:
This is something that you'd have to seek compensation for in court, but you'd need to show that the surgeon was negligent.
ConsumerRightsExpert - 31-Jul-17 @ 10:40 AM
Had a gastricballon which was done monday and is having to be removed tomorrow..friday as the consultant seems to have fulled it to full for my stomach and im in constant pain and having to be keep on morphine to easy the pain. Where do i stand with getting a refund?
Kirstyr - 27-Jul-17 @ 9:16 AM
Hi I had rhinoplasty done by Dr Allwin at Harley Medical - he has not fulfilled what he says he would. I may be going for a revision rhinoplasty I will let you all know how that goes. Ideally I would like a full refund but they are not able to do this and can only offer me a revision.
Shannon - 21-May-17 @ 7:19 PM
Six months ago having researched the best surgeon possible I had a lower facelift and have suffered a side effect which I had never heard of was never told of and is literally life changing. I got Chemosis of my right eye, meaning the eye is blebbed and constantly painful I am unable to wear eye makeup or contact lenses. I have had this for six months now, I was told it would go after two weeks, then three months but it never has. Now a top eye surgeon has told me it will not resolve itself and will take a major eye op to put right, but actually with no guarantee of success it is so rare. To have chemosis for this length of time is very rare in the world and so surgeons do few operations. I am now having to live with this and to be honest no one would want to. Anyone heard of this and what to do?
Kelsey - 9-May-17 @ 7:03 PM
Hi there I had cosmetic fillers and the result was disastrous in that they overfilled entirely. I realise there is a grey area between malpractice and doing too much but have chosen not to follow up any further as their reception team were fairly unpleasant and unhelpful. What I am concerned about is (now that I am trying to have them dissolved) that they have stopped responding to my emails when I've asked what brand of filler they used, (I wasn't told at the time and I would think I have a right to know), and secondly when I've stated that I don't want my images that they took without my permission, posted anywhere without my permission; where do Consumer Rights stand with this, seeing as they have failed to respond? Thanks
Margie - 18-Apr-17 @ 6:46 PM
beeny - Your Question:
Hi allI had a face and unsatisfactory necklift in march 2016. I was offered a revision in March 2017. I decided not to have this done by the surgeon as I didn't trust him. The past two months have been in getting advise from a independant cosmetic surgeon. I am going to put it in writing to the surgeon about how dissatisfied I am. Have I left it too late

Our Response:
Possibly, you should have acted earlier really. At this stage, you might need to consider professional legal help.
ConsumerRightsExpert - 21-Mar-17 @ 12:32 PM
Hi all I had a face and unsatisfactory necklift in march 2016. I was offered a revision in March 2017 . I decided not to have this done by the surgeon as I didn't trust him. The past two months have been in getting advise from a independant cosmetic surgeon. I am going to put it in writing to the surgeon about how dissatisfied I am. Have I left it too late
beeny - 18-Mar-17 @ 5:02 PM
Kc88 - Your Question:
I had an otoplasty procedure in April last year. After a few months my ears appeared over corrected in the middle leaving the tops sticking out which I have read is classed as a deformity called 'telephone ear'. I went back to my surgeon and calmly explained the problem. He was so rude to me and wouldn't let me speak and then threatened to take the stitches out so that my ears would stick out again. He told me not to go back if I want them pinning back again. He made me feel uncomfortable and worried what would happen as he wouldn't agree to a revision unless the stitches came out all together. I cannot go back there but my ears are left looking deformed and now I owe the money to my bank. What can I do?

Our Response:
In this situation you could seek a second opinion to find out what the corrective treatment would involve an to assess the quality of the first procedure. You will then need to try and claim compensation from the first surgeon if there's evidence that he did not provide what you had agreed.
ConsumerRightsExpert - 16-Mar-17 @ 2:27 PM
I had an otoplasty procedure in April last year. After a few months my ears appeared over corrected in the middle leaving the tops sticking out which I have read is classed as a deformity called 'telephone ear'. I went back to my surgeon and calmly explained the problem. He was so rude to me and wouldn't let me speak and then threatened to take the stitches out so that my ears would stick out again. He told me not to go back if I want them pinning back again. He made me feel uncomfortable and worried what would happen as he wouldn't agree to a revision unless the stitches came out all together. I cannot go back there but my ears are left looking deformed and now I owe the money to my bank. What can I do?
Kc88 - 14-Mar-17 @ 9:28 PM
Makeda- Your Question:
I had my nose done in March 2016 by dr alwin I am of ethnic background I arcs for my nose to be made European he said yes he could do that prior to this I got turned down by other surgeons I am now a year postop I've been back to him and told him my nose is not anything European and is still round and bulbous at the tip told me he can't do anything about that and he will not touch it I am so depressed about this he told me to just get used to it what a horrible man

Our Response:
As it's almost 12 months since the work was done it's unlikely your consumer rights will help. You could try a civil action.
ConsumerRightsExpert - 24-Feb-17 @ 2:16 PM
I had my nose done in March 2016 by dr alwinI am of ethnic background I arcs for my nose to be made European he said yes he could do that prior to this I got turned down by other surgeons I am now a year postop I've been back to him and told him my nose is not anything European and is still round and bulbous at the tip told me he can't do anything about that and he will not touch it I am so depressed about this he told me to just get used to it what a horrible man
Makeda - 23-Feb-17 @ 9:37 AM
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